Brand Ambassador

Anina Mutter, blogger


“I am Anina, and as #sustainablestylewarrior I am not only on the quest for a happy, healthy, sporty and exciting life but even more so I am trying to change something to the better, while I have the chance to do so. Being a blogger, and thus having the means of reaching a growing community, it is my aim to share and playfully inspire my environment for a more conscious and sustainable life. Authenticity and a real and natural appearance are of greatest importance to me. That is why I am also choosing cooperations very consciously and I am only cooperating with who or what I believe in.

Kam For Sud and it’s Wear With Ease collection is one of those projects that, in my opinion, do everything right. The fact that the collection is based on a circular model which also is a 100% natural won me over at first hand and after understanding the important work Kam For Sud is doing in Nepal, I quickly knew that I could very well see myself as the Swiss ambassador for the Wear With Ease collection. With Kam For Sud already working for 20 years in Nepal and thus having a deepened experience in the country, I am very confident in this NGO, that successfully fosters sustainable development in the most important fields such as education, health, climate change and the protection of the childhood.

It, therefore, is an honour, to represent this organization in Switzerland, and to do my part in order to support their valuable efforts in Nepal, and in Switzerland alike. Working with Kam For Sud gives me the possibility to furthermore raise awareness on the topics that are of importance to me and, it is my very belief that together we are able to reach greater goals.”

Anina Mutter, blogger